Hockey and stuff

By | November 24, 2008

Last Saturday I spent a VERY rare moment watching a bit of the hockey. There was a big hub-bub in both Montreal and T.O. around the retirement of 2 jersey numbers: 33 and 17 respectively.

It’s funny, I was a HUGE fan back in the 80’s and into the early 90’s. Patrick Roy was a god and huge reason why I’ve been able to brag about those years and the 2 cups Montreal brought home during that span. He was truly an exceptional goaltender.

But age and wisdom can tarnish any image. As I’ve matured and entered my middle age, I clearly see that a great athlete does not by default deserve adornment. Patrick’s antics off the ice over the past few years (fights, altercations) and the encouragement he gives his children to win at no cost have exposed him as a less than stellar role-model.

The irony is, back in the day, in order to be a Habs fan required a passionate hatred towards the Leafs. Thus, as much effort was spent ‘dissing’ Wendell Clark as was spent promoting the glorious might of Patrick Roy. As their careers came to a close, I grew to appreciate Clark. He wasn’t a ‘phemonal’ hockey player. Not a superstar like Roy. But he scored more points than most others. What he brought to the table was a presence. An ability to lead his team by example. Nobody played harder than Clark. He would do all the things that needed to be done on the ice. It took their retirements for me to see that.

Oddly, I felt the Roy ceremony a little stiff and forced in my eyes. The Clark ceremony seemed much more passionate and sincere. One of them is Hall of Fame bound. The other one probably won’t make it. Seems a little strange to me.

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