Am I bad for thinking it?

By | March 7, 2008

I was thinking of a ‘problem’ that might come up if we go on trip away from home for more than a day or two. How will we feed Chewie? I thought of a simple solution and was wondering if other ‘creative’ Dads have come up with the same plan: ‘free’ Chewie to the pipes below and then buy a replacement when we come back. Is this ethically an ‘improper’ decision? Oh, and just so we’re clear: Chewie is a ‘Betta’ fish, not a puppy.

A sidebar: I’ve had this bird stuck in the radiator grill of the CRV for about 3 years. It has been reduced to to skeletal remains for quite some time now but finally it has gone to its resting place. I just thought I’d mention this because some of you have noticed it in the past.

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