Payback OG style

By | March 6, 2008

I’ve been playing ‘Yes’ in the car now for about 4 straight months. Partly because I’m so lazy I can’t even update my memory sticks. But mostly because they are just that good they deserve about 1/2 a year of my car driving attention. The collateral damage is that OG also has been listening to ‘Yes’ in the car for about 4 months.

The good news is that she can’t get enough of that wonderful stuff. Above and beyond Abilene and Run With The Fox, OG now can sing bits and pieces of many songs and, more importantly for a band like ‘Yes’, she likes to emulate the instruments that are being played since most songs are about 70% instruments alone. Her favourite hum-along is ‘Roundabout’. The first 35 seconds where the quiet acoustic guitar overlayed by the laser-like ‘zing’ sound. She is bang on with following along to the tune, including the ‘zing’.

So, where’s the payback? OG has become INFATUATED with anything that has a maple leaf on it. Bottles, boxes, cars, my leg, whatever has a maple leaf on it, she needs to point it out. ESPECIALLY the Canada Flag. I know for a fact that there are 12 Canada Flags on the road between home and daycare. And I know where each and every one of them are. Especially the flurry of them near the Farmer’s Market. There are 2 at the driving range and 2 across the road at the antique shop. “Do you see the Canada Flag?” “There’s 2 over there and 2 over there”. This addiction is non-stop and must be acknowledged where-ever we go.

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