Monthly Archives: March 2006

Saturday Birthday Ski

On Saturday, it was Sonia’s birthday!  In keeping with a growing tradition, we got a group together and went skiing.  This time at Horseshoe Valley.  Thanks to Sean, Susan, Dan, Lisa, Tina & Jay for making the trek up to Carriage Hills to share in a perfect day of skiing and good times.  Thanks to Tina in addition for scoring us a sweet deal on lift tickets and the apres-ski dinner.  Thanks to Sonia’s Mom for performing the first FULL DAY OF BABYSITTING Olivia.  Yes, it was our first time away together from home without our pride and joy.  Ever.  And not surprisingly, knowing the good hands she was in, we were quite relaxed and we thoroughly enjoyed our day.  Not feeling guilty in any way, we were very happy and relieved to see a smiling baby that remembered our faces when we came through the door that night.

Hopefully the gang can turn words into action and succeed in the plan to get together on a much larger slope next year like Tremblant or St. Anne!

Sonia, here’s to many more years of me saying to you:  “It’s your day!”.

PS:  skiing is fun.

Birthday Recipe

It was Chris’ Birthday last Friday and I was hoping to post a wonderful Birthday Recipe for him to try some time.  But I was politically waylaid and forced to deal with foreign policy. 

Now, back to some lighter sides of life.  Here is a recipe that Sonia and I have tried a couple of times and thoroughly enjoyed.  It takes some time and care to prepare but provides an explosion of taste that is quite unique:

 Polenta-encrusted chicken with corn mash, fried bananas and green tomato relish Continue reading

Meet Quentin’s next movie star: Hugo Chavez

In your thickest Central American accent, say the following line:

“I sting those who rattle me.  Don’t mess with me, Condoleezza.”

If you said those words with that accent, you would sound a lot like Hugo Chavez when he lashed out at US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice after she stated that his country had become a “challenge to democracy”. Continue reading