Scandals in Canada

By | February 10, 2006

The Great One.  10 to 1 says he’s going to get flagged for illegal gambling.  Please place your wagers through my bookie. 

Should this man be going to Turin to manage the Canadian men’s hockey team?  Nothing of substance has been brought up that shows he personally made bets through long time goon Rick Tocchet’s gambling junket (the sting operation humourously named by the media as “Operation:  Slap Shot”).  However, his lovely wife Janet seems to have some sort of connection in this that forced Gretzky to make a personal call to Rick trying to clear her name.  Oops, the wire was tapped.  Damn.

Gretzky’s initial reaction of “I knew nothing of this”  was most likely uttered purely out of self-defence.  However, this statement coupled with the wire-tap conversation does show he ‘feels’ that he had something to hide.  Whether that something is really criminal or not is moot.  He knows something about this shady activity.  Should Canada be represented by this type of character?

My feeling is ‘Yes’.  C’mon, he’s the freaking ‘Great One’!  I’m sure the team would be fine without him (since he’s not playing), but he certainly deserves to see his efforts through.  Besides, gambling is a victimless crime when all parties involved are rich prima-donnas.  Who cares if Gretzky threw done a couple million on his team and then coached them to a tight 9-0 loss?

The problem that worries Canada is the long term ramifications.  If he’s implicated in the scheme, he will have tainted his glory and his heroic persona.  Will it go so far as being whisked out of the Hall of Fame?  The way of the Pete Rose?  Will his records have asterisks beside them?  Will Gordie Howe be once again known as the ‘legitimate’ all time point getter in NHL history?   Me personally, I don’t care.  I’d rather idolize that elegant 3-packs-of-smokes-a-day Hab legend Guy Lafleur.  But this will be a blight on Gretzky’s history regardless of what happens.  Very sad indeed. 

I do commend Gretzky for his approach to the press so far.  He is denying his involvement but in a very intelligent way.  He does not dwell on defending himself.  Instead he discusses how he will be moving forward with all his plans as if this scandal is beneath him and doesn’t even warrant discussion.  He is very confident in his actions and mannerisms which truly does give the appearance that he indeed has nothing to worry about.  With the Enron VIPs, Tom Delay, Conrad Black, Jean Chretien, etc. etc. etc. – you could always tell that they were hiding something and were very much on the defence in press conferences.  Gretzky is on the offence, once again scoring those goals.

Speaking of Chretien & co., I was reading from credible sources there is opposition to Gomery’s proposed reforms to prevent future sponsorship scandals.  Why?  Because if they were put into place, it would make it difficult to attract qualified candidates to Parliament Hill.  Ha! 

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