Ah September, back to the grind.

By | September 6, 2012

As the hottest summer I can ever remember continues to show no signs of ending, and as my lawn degrades into a patch of weedy dirt, we can now look forward to the fall and a life of routine and schedules.

School begins again. Grade 2 for Olivia and a new and more structured (yes!) teacher. Last year’s experiment of chaos that the Grade 1 teacher implemented (term used loosely) was a debacle. Now we have a teacher who keeps the parents informed of progress and what’s happening in the classroom. This should help to keep Olivia more on track with what she needs to get done and prepared for school. The great news is that she’s with all her friends and our neighbour Sydney has also joined the class this year.

Christien is movin’ on up as well. He’s in JK and on the Mon/Wed and every other Fri path in Mrs. Campbell’s class. Olivia had the same experience her first couple yrs. Mrs. Campbell is overjoyed that Christien is in her classroom. She loved Olivia so much and couldn’t wait to see her little brother in action. It was funny to still see that Olivia’s mobil of the Solar System is still proudly displayed in her classroom….2 years later.

He’s movin’ up as well in the daycare building…to the top floor where the kindergarten agers are. It is a bit odd to be going there now and not dropping him off on the main floor. Now he’s one of those kids that I used to see standing in line at the bottom of the steps waiting to go upstairs. Sniff! It’s going to be one heck of a day tomorrow when it’s the first *real* day at school tomorrow. Christien will be getting on the bus, the whole nine yards. It’s a bit sad that this is the last time I go through this process. Life goes on.

On the bright side, our weeks are full: Girl Guides, Piano, swimming lessons, SportBall. As much as I sometimes cringe at all the running around, it certainly makes the week go by.

Fortunately (?), our golf leagues are winding down. A bit bittersweet in that I see the golf season in general winding down, but also nice because I’m a bit tired of all the overhead of running the golf league. Especially at this moment when it’s crunch time for preparing for the season ending tourney/banquet. Some lessons I learnt: Have a thick skin and realize you can’t please everybody all the time. And, always ask for more than you think you can get. I’ve gone to many businesses this year asking for what I think is a lot of contributions to the league…but not one of them flinches and usually gives more….well…except for GolfNorth. They seem to be a bit more tight on the pursestrings.

Anyway, looks like a busy end of year, 4 football leagues, golf, school and stuff, and let’s not forget that there’s going to be some travel in my future for work now that I’ve moved over to PS.

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