Summer ends abruptly

By | September 7, 2011

But not without a bang. Last Sat was the HOTTEST day I can remember in years. And muggy. That would explain how that wicked wind and rain storm rushed through the berg ending almost before it began. But leaving a lot of trees down and dropping flash flood levels of rain. Fortunately our road had minimal damage. And fortunately the kids and Sonia were in the basement during the whole thing. I was at Martin’s Apple Orchard at the time. While driving there I could see the remarkable storm clouds forming rapidly over the area. The folks at the Farmer’s Market must have been scrambling like crazy.

Yesterday was the 1st day of Grade 1 for Olivia. She is in a split 1/2 grade with her best friend Jaiden. And the two of them are lucky enough to be sitting beside each other in class. I wonder how long that’ll last.

Olivia was all geared up and amped up for school. Over-excited in my opinion. But fun to watch her bounce around and annoy the you-know-what out of Christien. She has new outfits, a new backpack (Hello Kitty), a binder and a new pencil case full of pencils, pens and pencil crayons.

No homework on the first day but looking forward to that! She’s also in an after-school program for a couple of hrs. Hopefully a nice side-effect is that she gets nice and tired for bed each night.

Speaking of sleep, Christien is in transition mode and on the verge of losing his naptime routine. We experimented with cutting naps over the past week. Although he can get through the day fine and sans grumping, he seems to get overtired at bedtime and takes a while to settle him down. Worse yet, he is not sleeping through the nights whereas he was out for the whole night with naps. We’ll revert back to naps and let nature take it’s course.

Olivia has ended her days at Thushani’s (daycare) and Christien will transition to preschool starting Oct 1. I’m a little sad that this phase is done. It was very convenient dropping them off there. Now it’s a lot of restructuring, rescheduling and driving around. Eventually we’ll settle in. It’s a little strange still dropping Christien off at Thushani’s knowing that there is an end in sight. It seems like both sides are ‘disengaging’ from the relationship and preparing to go our separate ways. I wonder though how it must feel from her perspective having spent so much time with them through these last couple years.

Busy times in the sports world for me. All of my football pools are kicking into gear this week, baseball still goes on, and my golf game is winding down. I need to sharpen it up though for the season finale. Hopefully this month I can make the big push to finish at the top. Learned a lot this year though about my swing and must remember to update my swing page with various reminders and cues I need to repeat.

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