I’ve got a hangover…an Obama-hangover

By | February 3, 2009

OK people, please give Obama a chance to do ‘presidential’ stuff before anointing him God. I’ve got a massive headache from the press. Apparently everything Midas touches does turn to gold….even before he’s touched them.

I have great optimism that Obama will be an influential president and that ‘change’ is coming. And that has the potential to be a good thing. But I hope he’s patient and guarded in his decision-making when implementing change. Radical change is probably not the right move these days and perhaps he has the courage to implement change a little more subtly and with less fanfare. It seems to me that popularity is more important to him right now.

Anyway, I’ve got a 2-year evaluation period for Obama. During that time he needs to address the following:

– grow up from senator to president. He still ‘feels’ like a senator to me. A lot of talk to impress (and yes he is an impressive talker), but no baptism at this point.
– disassociate himself from ‘Hollywood’. He’s too interlocked with the ‘Royalty’ of America and that’s a stink he’s going to want to be rid of. Right now, I’m not convinced that he is immune to the influence of these types. I know Bush had a soft spot for the uber-wealthy fatcats and that cost the US dearly, but there are similar pitfalls to hobnobbing a little too closely with celebrity. Especially when it comes down to a president who advocates change. I’m curious to know if Obama is perhaps a little star-struck when it comes to his perception of the hollywood types…especially Bono. Oh, that meddling Bono.

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