My review of James ‘Hey Ma’

By | November 2, 2008

I got the new James album. The first since their 2 year breakup. It is a triumphant return. I like this album for the following reasons:

1) It takes on a similar format and sound to the “Sound” album…arguably my favourite James offering. They’ve brought back the trumpet overtones that is distinctly James. They also have those emotional bursts that they are known for. The kind that set your heart soaring. Very positive, iambic, melodic, anthemic. Great energy by Tim Booth’s voice.
2) The songs are well laid out. In a way that is typical to James but may not be noticeable to most: they start off with an upbeat song (Bubbles) and then lay down their trademark upbeat emotional gem on track 3 (Waterfall). Then they rollercoaster it with varying songs that alternate from soft/serious to upbeat/fun. Then the album finishes of with a typical powerful and emotional crescendo like song: I Wanna Go Home. Probably top 2 or 3 in my favs for James (top 10 in my overall).

This format is what has worked so well for them in the past. With Millionaires for example, the lead in “Crash”, the following “Just Like Fred Astaire” and then the rollercoaster of up/downbeat songs until the crescendo finale “Vervaceous”. Or how about Pleased To Meet you that starts with “Space”, 3rd track “Beefcake” and then the near finale crescendo of Getting Away With It.

I love their layouts and am very happy that they’ve either intentionally or unintentionally implemented it in the new album.

Anyway, they are back. Some might say the sound hasn’t changed or progressed. That they are the same old James. But I think that’s something that should have been done so that they can rediscover what makes them unique and then build from there.

A little triviata: It was 9 years ago almost to the day when I was in England for the golf application. It was on this trip that I picked up the newly release Millionaires album. Come to think of it, I think the last few releases have all come out in October/November. Coincidence?

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