On TV!

By | October 24, 2008

A couple of weeks ago when I was on leave from work, Sonia, Christien and I went to the Bay to pick up some baby clothes. When it came time to pay, the closest sales desk was too busy for me. So, we walked over to the main sales desk to pay for our merchandise.

Lo and behold there was a CTV camera there doing some filming of the store. As we were about to pay we were approached by the host of CTV ProvinceWide to do an interview on the Bay going ‘green’. In particular, the Bay’s encouragement to use re-usable cloth bags instead of plastic.

Reluctantly, since we were not at our best with a 7 day old child, lack of sleep and general concern for our appearance, we agreed to be filmed and I also agreed to be briefly interviewed about my thoughts of the Bay going green and the general ‘green-ness’ of other stores.

I was as bland as could be and gave the standard cookie cutter responses instead of jumping on my soapbox and putting to light the cost (environmentally) of the Bay creating all of these cloth bags in lieu of plastic and how their solution is only moderately green. Yadayadayada.

I’ll see if I can post the video on the site as soon as I can.

But, THE coolest part of this is that I convinced the camera guy to grab some footage of Christien. And then he USED it in the article. Christien was on province-wide TV only 7 days into his life. And not only that, I found out last week that the clip was promoted to Canada AM and thus he was on NATIONAL TV only 7 days into his life. How cool is that?

The show aired recently (2 Sundays ago) and I’ll see if I can post the video here.

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