The geo-political state of the world

By | October 22, 2008

Here we stand on the brink of a Brave New World:

-we have a minority PC government again when we’re in a time where a majority leadership (I don’t really care who) is needed to make some tough decisions coming up.
-we have a mortgage breakdown that’s crippling the economy but nobody seems to be too worried
-we have an oil shortage. What’s left in the world resides mainly in Canada and Russia….satellite ‘countries’ that are soon to be Russia
-we have a water shortage. What’s left in the world resides mainly in Canada nad Russia
-we have a food shortage. The major suppliers are Canada and Russia
-we have 2 greedy powerhouse nations in the world: one in decline (USA) and one hurtling forward too fast to control (China)
-there is a US election soon to happen where one party has a minority visionary and the other party has a geriatric timebomb alongside a ‘grassroots’ uneducated vice president who says “y’all”, thinks they know the enemy (Russia) because she lived next door, who wears gucci high heels and hunts large mammals for recreation.

We are in for one hell of a ride!

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