Is there a benefit to failing a drug test because of marijuana usage?

By | January 9, 2008

In the USA, maybe! I’ll let you decide. Here’s the scenario:

Say I was charged with oh, I don’t know, say running an organized dog-fighting racket. And then say I was charged with 2 yrs prison sentence.

Now, say I failed an official drug test due to usage of Marijuana. Then, instead of serving the ‘hard time’, I would be eligible to enroll in a drug rehab plan that takes place in a minimum security facility. This program lasts about 6 – 12 months after which I would be eligible for early release even though my conviction was NOT drug related. Sounds pretty sweet, huh?

Now, say I was a professional athlete and this early release allowed me to play my sport again while still in my prime. If I’m a really good athlete I could probably turn that 12 months or so I avoided in prison into several million dollars. Sounds really sweet, huh?

Let’s go one step further: I would never have qualified for the drug rehab program had I not previously failed a required drug test. Therefore, that failure can more or less be attributed to the potential millions I could earn should things go as planned.

Summary: failing a drug test made me my millions! Now, do you think it’s worth botching a drug test so that you can put that failure to good use down the road? You never know when you might need to use it to your advantage.

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