Eating while Walking

By | August 17, 2007

I am sort of an odd duck I will admit. But I thought I was maybe a little over the edge when I came to the realization of arguablly one of my biggest peeves: People who eat while walking. This peeve had lingered underneath the surface for years. Something just out of reach that was pestering me as I would be out and about the town. But it dawned upon me while passing through the university and around the tech area in town. The places where you’ll find many many offenders.

So, why is this a peeve? Easy. Have you ever seen someone eating while walking. I mean, taken a really close look? Does it not remind you of some sort of primitive neanderthal or a cow in the pasture? First of all, eating is not a very flattering look on anybody. There are very few who could pull off the action of eating and make it look attractive in any way. But while walking, it looks foolish in my opinion.

Most people have difficulty doing two things at once to begin with. Eating while walking exposes you to the world for them to see you in all your glory. I have seen some very unpleasant sights I must tell you. And I believe it may highlight the qualities of a person: arrogant, inconsiderate, the Western World attitude that exclaims I am ‘the man’ and am so important and have so little time that I must eat and walk to show you this.

Is there not time in a day for somebody to sit and eat? Must you perform this unattractive feat in public? Or do you do this because you need to be noticed and validate your life in some way?

Be you attractive, unattractive, ignorant or knowing of your actions, you belittle the look of humanity and you send a signal that your values are skewed.

Crazy? If you think so, than you label Japan as crazy too. Eating while walking is considered to be very poor manners in that country. Why? Probably because they are a culture based upon the importance of politeness to fellow man and that actions convey the soul of a person.

That being said, I will acknowledge exceptions:

-A hotdog at the ballgame

-ice cream on a hot day

-evidence that can convict you in court while being pursued by the law

-chowing down on pizza while walking home from the bar in a drunken stupor

Feel free to provide further examples. They will be subject to criticism however.

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