The Transition of OG leads to the transition of me.

By | January 25, 2007

Olivia is in a transition. Now that she’s over 18 months I guess it’s time for her to start testing her boundaries and exerting her character a bit more. I’ve noticed this in her eating and how she is expressing her desire to not do something.

OG used to be an indiscriminate eater. She would eat pretty much anything you put on her plate. Although she still will eat many different types of food I have noticed that she has become more selective. She picks the meat out of her noodles, she will not eat carrots. In general, she will eat ‘around’ the items she’s not interested in at that time….which are items she may be interested the next time around. At first I was a little frustrated but I realize now that this is part of growing up: I still eat around items I’m not too fond of so who am I to pass judgement?

The other recent development is in the way she expresses herself when she does not want to do something: arch her back and flail about which can often lead to her banging her head against one thing or another, which in turn sets her off. Not because it hurt but because it’s a cue to start crying. This behaviour is particularly prevelant when it’s time to have a diaper change, get dressed or get undressed. This gets me really frustrated me and I have caught myself on the verge of anger. And that embarrasses me. There is no place for that and it is my responsibility as a parent and a member of my family to put myself above these emotions. It is detrimental and serves no purpose. So, with new enlightenment I will strive to be patient when it is easier to be impatient. How else is my child to learn proper behaviour and how else am I to grow as a parent? Plus, I’m not fun to be around when I get into the spiral of frustration and it’s not fair to Sonia.

Hey, these types of challenges are far outweighed by the enjoyment to everyday life that OG brings. Each of our lives have been enriched since becoming a family. Check out OG’s site for some bragging by daddy on the wonderful accomplishments she’s been making.

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