
By | March 14, 2006

So I’ve been intrigued by Google’s AdSense and how it can be incorporated into a blogsite to make some small coin:

Google AdSense is a content-targeted advertising program. This means that you do not select keywords or categories for your ads. Instead, Google’s servers determine what your posts are about and display the most relevant ads to your readers. So, if you blog about baseball, there might be ads for Major League Baseball memorabilia next to your post. If you blog about painting, there might be ads for art supplies. In fact, when you blog about something specific, there’s a good chance you’ll earn more, as Matthew Haughey discovered when he put ads on PVRblog. Haughey wrote about his experience in an essay called Blogging for Dollars in which he included four of his own hints.

Haughey’s Hints for AdSense Bloggers

  1. Focus, and be as specific as you can.
  2. Write content related to real products.
  3. Don’t start a blog just for money.
  4. Use a professionally designed template.



All I need to get this working is to open an AdSense account at Google, customize my ads, copy some HTML code and paste it in the right place in my blogsite – probably a place in the php that will generate the ad per posting.

I may try this out just for the fun of it and to understand how it works, but I don’t think I’ll keep it around long on the site once I get it working.  Can’t really see myself making money unless I narrow my focus to a single topic like golf or poker or cooking.  Which is a thought that I’ve been kicking around.  Right now I enjoy floating around different topics but have thought about shifting to one or two areas only. 

Comments are welcome if you have any advice / suggestions for me!

In the meantime, you can get an idea of what AdSense is and how to get started at this site.

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