Daily Archives: November 8, 2006

The Dems are in

Well, it happened:  The Democrats won both Senate and House.  AND on the same day Donald Rumsfeld the right hand grease-monkey to the ham-fisted George dubwa Bush also stepped down from his lame attempt at being useful.

I fear the US economy may take a hit with the Dems in control but it’s a small price to pay to geld the crazy horse.

Hospital Blues

I am currently sitting in a private room in the Grand River Hospital with Sonia and OG.  OG is battling a virus that requires IV treatment to speed up her recovery and get her temperature down.  We’ll be here for a couple of days.

I was not expecting to be able to tap into the hospital network and then hop onto the internet but here I am.  This will make the stay much more tolerable.

All is as well as can be expected and we fully expect a quick recovery for little OG.  I hate being in hospitals but such a small sacrifice for a greater good.