Geez, are we that hard up for controversy?

By | April 26, 2006

This Britney Spears Giving Birth sculpture debacle is yet another indication that America has too much time on their hands. Can you believe that this has caused controversy with the pro-lifers? I quote from the CBC:

Pro-life advocates “thought this was degrading to their movement. And some pro-choice people were upset that this is a pro-life movement,” David Kesting, co-owner of Brooklyn’s Capla Kesting Fine Art Gallery, told AP.

So we have the pro-lifers angry for 2 reasons: 1) degrading to their movement (huh?), and 2) because the sculptor considers it a “new take on pro-life” (double huh?). I think if pro-lifers want to be considered reputable in any way, they should stay as far away from this fiasco as possible. But then again, one might be dead wrong in assuming these organizations want to be reputable.
My observations are:

  • why would a gallery take in this piece of ‘art’ except primarily for money and publicity? I find it hard to believe they would have any other motive.
  • what “artist” would create this work except for money and publicity? Again, what other motive?
  • who commissioned this endeavour (it wasn’t the model btw)?

It’s good to see that art does reflect reality: Money makes the world go round.

It is re-assuring that the gallery will be hiring extra security while the display is on because who knows what could happen to it.

Final thought: why did they put Ashley Judd’s head on the body of a pregnant Britney Spears?

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