Daily Archives: January 30, 2006

Table image (online)

I received this email from a fellow poker bluffer named Zarbuck:

I hear there is this thing called table image. I would think the qualities of table image must be that the person has been winning. Or at least not losing. This would attribute to table image. But wouldn’t another quality be a big stack? If I am small stack head to head against big stack, I feel intimidated. Her 10% stack bet, is 60% of mine. Isn’t that the real table image? That without danger to them, they could crush me in any of the next 3-4 hands. And only in the very most luckiest of cases, do I double up, each time?I think those smart and clever players get table image a lot, but even the luckiest noob can get table image.So do you think there really is such a thing as table image?

David aka Zarbuck Continue reading